Steve Cegielski, All-Canada Show, operations manager - Back from our family trip to Pipestone Outpost. We flew 239 miles northeast of Emo, Ontario to enjoy a week at Kenoji Lake outpost. Mike and Renae have been long time All-Canada Show exhibitors, and it was my turn to write the family article in All-Canada Adventures for 2010.
My brother, his wife Kristine, and their two boys Blake and Riley joined my wife and our two boys Ben and Max on a trip that none of us will soon forget.
Great flight in the DeHavilland Otter float plane. We were worried that the young boy’s ages 5,6,7,8 years old would have a motion sickness issue, but no problem….they all fell asleep to the vibrations of the Otter.
Never to young to learn the art of walleye jigging and casting for pike…..we accomplished both. Maybe not in record speed, or endurance, but fishing ruled the week.
Now a veteran of “Kids in Canada” I have many tips and tricks to make the trip go smoothly.
Number one “safety”….lifejackets that fit and are comfortable are a must.
2. Travel to far end of lake right away in the morning and work your way back to camp.
3. Keep moving….no 3 hour jigging session over a lake hump….”boring dad”
4. Bring rubber boots...wet feet ends a perfectly good day on the water.
5 Most importantly….bring lots of snacks in the boat.
Take a kid fishing, you won’t be disappointed
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