Steve Cegielski, Operations Manager
Now with archery whitetail season open in Wisconsin I can’t help but think back to last years Ontario whitetail hunt. We hunted with Halleys Camp out of Minaki, On.
Tough hunt because of the weather. We arrived to mid-50’s and sunshine, it felt like a great weather for a late fall Canadian fishing trip. Well that balmy weather held up most of the week. And as you could imagine deer sightings were rare.
I hunted hard for 4 days before I was able to call this buck into sight. The bleat can brought him on a rope. Cabela’s was attempting to video the hunt, and the buck came the only dead zone for video – behind and over our right shoulder. No problem, I had to let the buck creap closer and closer until he made the video screen. Now the only problem was that he was less than 5 yards from the ladder stand. I wish I had my bow, but the .270 caliber had no problem reaching the animal!
Awesome hunt, maybe not the monster I was looking for, but considering the weather I was lucky to tag this buck.
Archery season has my full attention now, but just looking at the picture of that hunt gets me fired up to try another Ontario whitetail hunt in the near future. Check out the full story when you pick up your copy of Canada Adventure Magazine this winter at the All-Canada Show….free copy waiting at the front door.
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