By: Steve Cegielski, All-Canada Show, Operations Manager
Whitetail hunting is a passion that runs wild this time of year. And, the rut is the coveted time of year to be sitting in a treestand in Canada. As you may know the rut is traditionally later in Canada than in Midwest states. Fawn birth dates need to be later in the spring to survive. So start marking your calendar for mid to late November.
Hunting pressure is everything when hunting in the states, and just the opposite in Canada. Virturally unpressured whitetails are the norm when north of the border. Sure local hotspots and easy access points lead to wary whitetails, but for the most part human intrusion is minimal. Bucks don't look in trees, are active during daylight hours, calling works, and even scent control isn't as critical. Just the lack of human pressure makes the whitetails less wary of the hunter.
Calling techniques that have been over used in the states like antler rattling and doe bleat can work to perfection in Canada. Just remember their hearing is the same and they'll pinpoint your location from long distance and march right to the spot....ready or not.
Nocturnal habits of monster bucks is uneed in Canada. Sure early morning and late afternoon are still traditional transition periods, but midday bucks are more willing to explore for "hot" does.
It's hard to explain until you experienced it first hand, so give it a try and I gurarentee you'll enjoy the experience. Good luck to all heading north this November.
Make sure to talk to your lodge owner about a Wolf tag....you'll find wolves where deer are located...great food source for the wolf.
Have fun and shoot straight!!
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