We received these tips from Brad Greaves at Ignace Outposts on how not become RoadKill while driving in rural Canada.
Moose, Bear and Deer are thriling sites on your visit to Canada,
but occassionally...too thrilling. In many areas of Canada we share
the roadway with unintended big game animals. Even though most
accidients occur betwen 5-8 am and 6 pm to midnight, hitting a large
animal on the road will ruin your trip at anytime of day. Here are helpful
tips you can use to avoid an incident with an animal:
•Use high beams when possible
•Be sure your windshield is clean and your lights are working
•Scan the road continuously from shoulder to shoulder
•Be aware that in most animal/vehicle accidents the animal was “just barely” on the
paved portion of the road
•At night, watch for flashes of the small glowing eyes of animals
•Wildlife crossing signs do actually indicate areas of increased risk
•Always slow down when passing wildlife – they may suddenly turn or dart into your
•Remain alert after passing an animal, it may be with others or with young
•Never attempt extreme manoeuvres to avoid a collision.
•Don’t assume the animal will move out of your way
•Watch your speed, KPH and MPH are different!
•Moose, Bear and Deer are large enough to activate your airbags when you hit them.
Keep this in mind as you sip from a bottle or cup in the front seat. •You don’t
often hit the animals you see.
•If you hit a bear, do not stop to see if he is alright. A wounded bear is not an
animal you would want to visit with for any length of time.
•If you come across a fox, rabbit, bird, or other small animal on the roadway, don't
leave your lane. See the note above about swerving.
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