By:Steve Cegielski,All-Canada Show Operations Manager
Always looking for ways to improve the All-Canada Show, as the Operations Manager I’m in charge of building the new displays you see at the show. This year I’ve decided to concentrate on the Gift Shop.
Our display racks needed improvement from a traveling aspect to an appearance outlook. Our lure racks were very time consuming to set-up and teardown and our t-shirt displays were none existent.
15 sheets of BCX plywood later, we now have displays that should handle the rigors of 11 All-Canada Shows in 2010.
Brian, our gift shop manager, will be able to roll these crates in and out of his 20ft enclosed trailer and be ready for business in a few minutes. Don’t want to make life to easy for Brian, but he earned alittle break after all the hard work from last years shows.
Stop by the gift shop at the All-Canada Show next winter to check out the new racks and of course pick up some souvenirs and tackle for your next trip north of the border.
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