By: Steve Cegielski, All-Canada Show Operations Manager
Walleye fishing usually revolves around contact with the lake bottom. With that in mind the single most important tool while walleye fishing in my opinion is the depth finder. I would venture to bet consiously or subconsiously the average fisherman peeks at the depth finder over a 1000 times on a day walleye adventure.
Of course my boat is set-up with the highest quality depth finder units I can afford, but my fish finders must travel when I venture north of the border on our annual Canadian fishing trips. I've experimented over the years with portable depth finders. I've gone from a homemade wooden box with board and c-clamp to hold the transducer to a lighter weight pack and suction cup transducer model made by Cabelas. The new case and suction cup model reduces the ever important weight issue on a Canadian Fly-In adventure. I'll admit I was a leary of the suction cup, but if you clean the transom and place right at the water line you'll struggle to remove at weeks end.
As the boats captain, my hand is on the tiller, a quick glance at the depth finder confirms the depth. Of course my fishing partner is always guessing, and I got tired of the questioning all day long "How deep is it?" My solution was to rig up a second depth finder for my partner. Don't worry the driver still holds the upper hand, because the transducer is still located on the transom. The passanger is always fishing old water, but at least the depth questions stop. Now I have fellow Canadian travelers asking to partner up for a days fishing. Be the hero this summer in Canada and rig up dual finders.
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