By Rodney Schlafer - Show Director, All-Canada Show - One of my favorite things about the Canadian wilderness is the float plane. The outfitters that fly them ensure that safety comes first and take all the necessary precautions to get you to and from your destinations safely. I was reading a blog post on Ignace Outposts site and thought this was something that would be good to post on our blog.
Next time you fly pay attention to the pre-flight instructions, a couple key items to familiarize yourself with on the plane are the exits and your life jacket. Know where the exit doors are and think about how you will get out in case of an emergency. On a recent trip, the outfitter was going over the pre-flight and he pulled out the life jacket and showed us how to use it. He said if you do not know what it looks like and how to put it on it might as well be a sandwich! Good point!
If you are planning a trip on float plane this summer check out this website on Float Plane Saftey, it may save your life one day!
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