Joel Prunty, media manager, All-Canada Show - Most anglers over their fish limits fall into two categories…sloppy accounting of fish in the freezer or not taking time to completely understanding daily possession limits.
There is no excuse for sloppy accounting of your fish limits. You need to know, at all times, how many packaged fish are in your possession…not to do so and exceeding your limit is breaking the law.
Understanding daily possession limits is a little trickier. Daily possession is the number of fish attributed to you for instance in a freezer or frig, plus fish on a stringer or in a boat…plus the number of fish you have eaten that day. This number can not exceed your legal limit. Every packaged fish in your possession has to be labeled and attributed to a person.
A conservation officer will attempt to determine whether you’ve consumed fish by visiting your shore lunch spot and checking garbage in camp. Having a reduced conservation fishing license makes this consumed fish important because if your limit is two walleye and you ate shorelunch, then you can not have any fish in your boat or at camp.
Another area angler’s error with limits is packing their cooler to go home. Count and double count how many fish each person is going home with to make sure no one is over the limit. Road blocks are a frequent way for MNR to enforce limits, especially during the busiest times during the angling season.
The last place you want to get caught over your limit is at the border where U.S. Customs will enforce fish limits for their Canadian counter parts. If you are nailed at the border you have broken U.S. AND Canadian Fish and Wildlife laws so the penalties are greatly enhanced.
Enjoy your adventure and don’t break any laws!
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