Joel Prunty, media manager, All-Canada Show – I’m on vacation this week celebrating my 50th birthday (thanks Rod for posting my blog). And, at such a milestone it is hard not to reflect on where I have been.
Where I have been – as it relates to this blog – is some of the most incredible fishing spots in Canada…no make that the world. These fishing milestones the past 20 years would not have happened without the support of Jennifer Young, All-Canada Show president and Dave Hutchison, the show founder. Thank you.
Some adventures were with new acquaintances and some with my closest friends and family. Some were in the dog days of summer where we fought to catch shore lunch and some were during the best fishing of the year. Regardless, every single trip to Canada has been successful and each is cherished.
Looking ahead, I envision another 20 years of adventure with great longing. Imagine all the potential trophies my casts will entice, all the camaraderie to be shared and all the cigars to be smoked!
The fish picture above is one of my favorites because it was totally unexpected and just like fishing, some of life’s best experiences are unexpected as well.
I hope you enjoy another 50 years for fishing adventures too! Cheers, Joel
Happy B-Day Joel...I hope to enjoy some of those trophies and cigars over the next 50 years with you...Rodney